I spilled milk on my keyboard - now what?
My wife posed this question to me about a week ago. She spilt some milk on her keyboard, and wondered what was the best way to handle it.
A little bit of Googling revealed the following steps:
- UNPLUG your keyboard. No ifs buts or whatevers.
- Try and get as much of the spilled beverage out of the keyboard.
- If it was water, let the keyboard sit and dry for at least a day, preferably a couple of days. You should be OK after that.
- If it was anything else (especially sticky liquids), try the dishwasher. Place it in the dishwasher (top rack if you feel brave and want to use the heated drying - I wouldn’t).
- Add soap. You don’t need any of the additives, to make glasses sparkle etc. and it may actually be harmful to your keyboard.
- Close the dishwasher and turn it on. Don’t use the heated dry cycle - it may melt your plastics.
- Remove the keyboard from the dishwasher once the cycle is completed.
- Shake out any left-over water.
- Let the keyboard dry for a week. You may want to remove the keys to allow the board to dry faster, but I think a week in a fairly dry environment should take care of it.
- Plug and pray.
I claim no responsibility for any keyboards harmed during this process, but if your keyboard is not working around step 3, you might as well try this.