Progress User Conference 2009 - online!
I’m currently attending my first Progress User Conference without being on location. Progress decided to go with an on-line conference this year in honor(?) of the economic recession.
The on-line format has some advantages and some disadvantages. Advantages are that I don’t need to get on a plane, check into a hotel, run all over the place to find the right room. I can actually keep an eye on my email, and look up things online, while listening to the presentations (although I could do that with a laptop). Disadvantages are the audience responses, human interaction, and the fact that I’m still at my desk and my co-workers look at me sideways wondering why I have these headphones on…
I’ll post a short update at the end of each day (which now ends around 1:15PM, as opposed to around 4PM for regular conferences) to let you know what I’ve taken away from that day.